I originally planned to write about the complexity of mourning a parent that’s still alive — the roiling rage, the layered grief. But I find myself still coming to terms with and working through my feelings.
So, instead, I’d like to share a favorite piece of fiction I’ve written. A decade ago, I found myself really touched by the love story of Frobisher and Sixsmith in Cloud Atlas and so I weaved them into my writing. It eventually turned into the beginning of a longer story but this little piece is still my favorite.
As I reckon with the reality and consequences of forgiveness in my life now, I think back on how I viewed forgiveness more than ten years ago. Mired in loss but still, I think, seated in hope.
I am well versed in the way the earth's atmosphere causes a star to shimmer. I am not usually amused by such things, but there are nights when the ancient lights seem to blaze unbelievably bright. It takes my breath away. These are the nights I think of you.
Sometimes I graze my hands over the morning dew on tiny, trembling blades of grass. I know it's impossible, but I almost feel you reaching back.
There are days when I look up at the sky and squint toward the raging sun, wondering if I'll see you in the fragments of yellow and pink that stay behind even after I've looked away.
And I remember things I don't think I am supposed to.
In 1829, you had sharp wrists and messy hair. I ran my fingertips across sharp bends and through every strand of auburn I could. There are nights when you wisp through my dreams, bring up morphed and faded versions of you that I don't quite remember when I wake. But your hair and your wrists, I always remember.
The word comes up from somewhere deep, almost claws its way out like some sort of rabid animal. It's not like when I see you, when I feel you. It makes me sick. I wake up with the taste of it on my mouth, pumping through my veins.
Time has ingrained it in me. And I have mulled this over for so long, why the word makes my scalp prickle and my skin crawl. I think I have finally figured it out.
But this realization weighs heavy in my bones. So heavy I push away the thought when it scampers around the edges of my mind, on nights I think of you. On nights I dream of your wrists and hair, wake up with the dank feel of forgiveness on my teeth -- I push this realization away.
Because I have you in fragments of pink and yellow, your wrists and your hair playing through my mind. I have dark nights and cold mornings where you stand out, stark and bright. I have you in these ways.
But… I do not have the strength to forgive.
"Find me beneath the Corsican stars," your voice beamed through my dreams last night. "Yours eternally."
I pictured your wrists gliding along thinning paper, charcoal and sore. Your messy hair disheveled and moody.
I am now so afraid I will never have the strength to forgive.
(found monet in april, and other photos)
(a list of good things)
Happy Birthday, Ate!
It was my sister’s birthday in April ♡
Code Switch: Taylor Swift and The Unbearable Whiteness of Girlhood — I’ve given TTPD a few listens and have had many conversations about T.Swift and her work. This podcast expresses much of my opinion. (NPR, also available on Spotify)
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Listening to this reminded me of how nice it is to discuss the larger themes of media with other folks, even when you don’t agree on all aspects. I may be reading too many comment threads on the internet. Why did I need this podcast to remind me people can still be considerate with their opinions? (NPR also available on Spotify)
Movies & TV
April wasn’t a huge month in cine-mah for me, but here’s a nudge to watch Past Lives and Severance if you haven’t already. With Celine Song and Severance Season 2 in the news, I’m remembering how much I loved them both when I first watched them.
Albums that have kept me company this month:
Cowboy Carter - Beyonce (yes AOTY)
Eternal Sunshine - Ariana Grande (particularly i wish i hated you & imperfect for you, so good)
Found Heaven - Conan Gray (the chorus of Alley Rose is a standout)
Preacher’s Daughter - Ethel Cain
This is a very heavy listen and not an album I plan to regularly come back to, but it was such an experience listening through it. It’s a concept album following the life of a girl from a religious town in the South. I recommend doing a quick google search on the themes of the album if you really want to dive into it. It’s been a long time since I was pulled into the atmosphere of an album like this one.
Fave Creator:
Jen Bianca (tiktok / youtube) — I found her on TikTok and followed her over to YouTube, where I became an even bigger fan of her longer form vlogs. Hobbies, books, sinking into the happiness of a slow life. She has a great newsletter that actually inspired me to post monthly as well (substack).
Thank you for reading. I hope spring is treating you well.